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icon_project.png Majic Ansible Roles / Closed Feature request MAR-5 Web server
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "RESOLVED".
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    Feature request
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Currently there are no Ansible roles for deploying a web server or applications on web server. It is necessary to implement a couple of base roles that would make it possible to easily deploy the web server and applications running on top of it. In particular, the following roles should be implemented:

* Web server role, which takes care of:
** Deployment and basic configuration of Nginx, with some default web page.
** Deployment of necessary TLS private key/certificate for the default web page.
** Any base (non-site) specific configuration of Nginx that may be necessary.
** Deployment of things like PHP (base packages), PHP FPM, supervisor etc.
* PHP application deployment role, which takes care of:
** Creation of necessary users/groups, adding the application admin to app's group, adding Nginx to apps' group.
** Installing additional system packages necessary for running an application. This should be configurable.
** Creating the Nginx configuration, with configurable URLs (for proxying/serving static files, prohibiting access to certain files etc). Configuration of (eventually) separate TLS private key/certificate should be possible too (SNI).
** Creating the PHP FPM configuration file (pool) for running the PHP application.
** The role should be generic enough to be reused by application-specific roles. Kind of a common base.
* Python (WSGI) application deployment role, which takes care of:
** Creation of necessary users/groups, adding the application admin to app's group, adding Nginx to apps' group.
** Installing additional system packages necessary for running an application. This should be configurable.
** Creation of virtualenv for running the application, with possibility to specify packages to be installed via pip.
** Creating the Nginx configuration, with configurable URLs (for proxying/serving static files, prohibiting access to certain files etc). Configuration of (eventually) separate TLS private key/certificate should be possible too (SNI).
** Creating the supervisor configuration file for running the Python application.
** The role should be generic enough to be reused by application-specific roles. Kind of a common base.
** Installation of gunicorn in virtualenv.
Todos (0 / 0)
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