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icon_project.png Majic Ansible Roles / Closed Feature request MAR-26 Tests for ldap_server role
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Implement tests for ldap_server role.

The following should be done:

  • Use Molecule for automating VM provisioning and running tests.
  • Update tasks as necessary to pass Ansible Lint checks. Introduce the skip_ansible_lint tag on relevant tasks where linting should be skipped.
  • Apply minimal fixes to issues discovered during testing.
  • When creating the tests, keep in mind the following:
    • Mandatory parameters should be tested (no optional ones).
    • Make sure to test TLS configuration, including hardening.
    • Make sure to test logging configuration.
    • Make sure to test additional schemas are loaded.
    • Make sure optional LDAP entry creation is tested.
    • Make sure to test backup is functional (the hook script).
    • Test on Debian Jessie (64-bit) only.
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