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icon_project.png Majic Ansible Roles / Closed Bug report MAR-142 Python virtual environment for Python 3 pip requirements check uses wrong interpreter (Python 2)
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This issue has been closed with status "Closed" and resolution "RESOLVED".
Issue basics
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    Bug report
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    Not determined
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    Not triaged
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  • Estimated time
    2 hours
  • Time spent
    1 hour
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    Not determined
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The common role deploys a mechanism for checking for available updates through the Python virtual environment requirements files.

Functionality depends on having two dedicated Python 2 and Python 3 Python virtual environments for performing the check. During the deployment of common role, however, the Python 3 Python virtual environment is set-up to use the Python 2 interpreter instead of Python 3 interpreter.

Steps to reproduce this issue

Reproduction steps:

  1. Set-up a server using the common role.

  2. Log-in into the server and switch to pipreqcheck user:

    sudo su - pipreqcheck -s /bin/bash
  3. Activate the Python 3 environment

    source ~/virtualenv-py3/bin/activate
  4. Check the Python interpreter version:

    python --version

Expected results:

  1. Python version is reported as 3.x.x.

Actual results:

  1. Python version is reported as 2.x.x.
Todos (0 / 0)
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